If one doesn't exist, I'd like to request that someone create such an award and then award me with said award.
Because obviously I am far too lazy to create an award, and even if I did I'd forget to award myself with the award. I'd wake up one day and think "Wow, I suck at updating my blog. I should win the worst blogger ever award. Oh, yeah! I created that award! Wow, I suck at awarding fake awards to myself."
Crafting, eh? Yeah, barely. I remember when I used to have the energy for actual crafting. Now I get about halfway through a project and then forget about it. Or decide I don't feel like finishing it.
I'm totally lying. Mostly I get the idea, get the supplies, and then decide I don't feel like starting it. I've totally lost my crafting mojo.
Wanna see the only project I've even really started?
It was going to be a lovely tulle wreath like this one from Pattern Shmattern. Instead, I misjudged how much tulle it would take, and didn't want to go back out for more. So I just finished it off by wrapping some leftover yarn. I planned on getting a cute Halloween decoration for the middle and to call it done, but it's been like 3 weeks and I still haven't gotten one. I probably won't.
Random Baby Update:
We're having a baby girl! We weren't going to find out, but I'm really happy we did! We're incredibly excited.
Naming a human is hard! There are so many names. Almost too many names. I have no idea how anyone ever decides on a name! I've
Any advice blogland?