Saturday, November 29, 2014

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

I've been away from this blog for over a year.  I've thought about blogging a lot.  I've written full posts in my head.  I just haven't actually pulled out the lap top and sat down to put fingers to keys.

I'd say I've been super busy, and that is mostly true, but that's no real reason for blog neglect!

Life is good.  Husband went back to school, finished and now has a new job that he is super proud of and I am, too!

The kids are amazing.  Aubrey is hysterical, smart, creative.  Strong willed and brave.  She's almost three, and it's such a fun age.

She's totally my favorite girl ever.

Nathan is the happiest kid I've ever seen.  He's just a total joy, so friendly.  He's smart, learning from his big sister all the time.  They adore each other.  He's 15 months, and it's such a fun age.

 He's totally my favorite boy ever.

I worked all year, and I'm just getting back into this whole SAHM gig again.  I'm super into all things paleo these days.

And that's it.

So not only am I a neglectful blogger, I'm also a totally boring "LIFE UPDATE! OMG!" blogger with the least exciting update ever.

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Aww, Yay! A comment for me? You're super sweet! You're my favorite commenter ever!