1. Pinterest.
After waiting for like sixteen thousand hours, I finally got my invite today. If you're reading this blog, I'm assuming you read other, way more awesome blogs, and already know about pinterest.
If you need an invite and don't want to wait three weeks for yours to arrive, feel free to leave me a comment and I'll send you one!
Even the amazing Mr. Berkus is talking about pinterest. Holla!
2. un homme/une femme vases from cb2.
Personally, I envision them hanging on my bathroom door sans flowers, so they're headless.
I'm a bit warped, don't hate.
3. Mountains and Salt Lake City, where my company corporate offices are located. I just returned from my first trip to UT, and it was amazing. Mountains make my heart feel whole. I grew up at the beach in NJ, but I'm a mountain lover by nature. I love my job and company, and even more-so now that I've seen the amazing setting.
4. Pretty Bird Wall Art via Becca at Blue Cricket Design. Seriously? Amazing. Canvas, newspaper, modge podge and some bird silhouettes?
Confession: I have never used modge podge. Does that make me like the worst lazy, novice crafter ever in the history of crafters?
5. My latest project, which I'll share as soon as I finish it! It involves a blue Ikea NYTTJA frame , leftover green yarn from my sister's yarn wreath, and a small dollar store wreath.
I'm addicted to Pinterest too! It sucks you in! Love the stuff you do on your blog, I'm awarding you the Versatile Blogger award. Check out my blog to learn more about it http://copy-cat-crafter.blogspot.com/2011/04/five-favorite-finds-and-versitile.html